Greetings Members, Vendors, Speakers, and Presenters,
The SAT & MATT boards and meeting hosts have been working hard behind the scenes to address the COVID-19 issues that we are all facing. Considering the current status of various agencies, and vendors with travel restrictions, and the newest CDC recommendation of no gatherings of 50 people or more, the boards of each organization have decided to cancel our upcoming joint meeting in Kansas City.
Our hope is that the cancellation notification will allow people the time needed to cancel hotel and air reservations, and allow agency managers to use these budgeted training funds towards a future meeting or class.
The Boards will still need a bit more time to sort out some of the details. The Sunshine-Wong and Garriott travel awards will be discussed. Information about refunds for people who have registered for the Kansas City meeting through Eventbrite will be sent out soon. We ask people to be patient while we work through their questions.
We regret to have to cancel our first chance to meet with our neighboring regional Associations and we thank each of our host representatives for all the hard work that they have done in preparing for this meeting. Our hope is that we will get a chance to meet together in the future.
SAT President, Aria McCall &
MATT President, Jennifer Hobbs