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  • Tue, April 28, 2015 11:35 AM | Anonymous

    We have had a lot of requests for an agenda, so here is a preliminary one.  This will be updated when the abstract deadline passes.

    Meeting Agenda.xlsx

  • Tue, February 10, 2015 7:16 PM | Anonymous

    We are currently accepting abstracts for the 2015 meeting of the Southwestern Association of Toxicologists. Please e-mail your title and abstract (200 words or less) to Garry Metcalfe by May 19, 2015: garry.metcalfe@osbi.ok.gov

    Please include:

    o Your name and any co-authors

    o Organization name

    o E-mail address

    o Postal address

    o Phone number

    o Indicate whether you prefer a 15 or 30 minute time slot and we will try to accommodate your request

    We will have a projector and laptop for PowerPoint presentations. Please be prepared with a flash drive or CD/DVD so we may pre-load your presentation. If you need to use your own laptop, please let us know in advance.

    Thank you!

  • Thu, January 01, 2015 9:23 PM | Anonymous

    We are now accepting registration forms for our only meeting this year.  We have meeting grants available to help pay for your costs.  We will also be offering the ABFT Certification Exam.  Finally, hotel rooms are still available! 

    Registration Form.doc

  • Mon, November 03, 2014 6:40 PM | Anonymous

    For those of you interested in taking the ABFT certification examination, it will be offered on June 18, 2015 at the New Orleans meeting. If you have not begun the application process, please go to www.abft.org to start. Due to the application review process, there are important deadlines that are required before you can sit for the exam. If you have already been approved to sit for the exam, you will need to contact Mark Fondren or Fred Foctman.

  • Thu, August 07, 2014 7:27 AM | Michael Frontz (Administrator)

    Southwestern Association of Toxicologists

    2014 Fall Meeting

    September 18-20, 2014

    Wyndham Riverfront Little Rock

    Little Rock, Arkansas

    Call for Abstracts

    We are currently accepting abstracts for the Fall 2014 meeting of the Southwestern Association of Toxicologists.  Please e-mail your title and abstract (200 words or less) to Sammy Williams by August 20, 2014: sammy.williams@crimelab.arkansas.gov

    Please include:

    o   Your name and any co-authors

    o   Organization name

    o   E-mail address

    o   Postal address

    o   Phone number

    o   Indicate whether you prefer a 15 or 30 minute time slot and we will try to accommodate your request

    We will have a projector and laptop for PowerPoint presentations.  Please be prepared with a flash drive or CD/DVD so we may pre-load your presentation.  If you need to use your own laptop, please let us know in advance.

    Thank you!

  • Wed, May 14, 2014 7:10 AM | Michael Frontz (Administrator)
    Guidebook is an app for your mobile device that keeps you up to date with meeting events.  We are excited to be using Guidebook again for our meeting this week in Sugar Land, TX.
    To get started, go to the App Store or Google Play and download the Guidebook app using your mobile device.  Once installed, search for our meeting from the available downloadable "guides". I found that the search term "Southwestern" resulted in our meeting at the top of the list. Once you download the guide, be sure to register yourself as an attendee and use the agenda to plan your day. 
  • Tue, July 02, 2013 9:12 AM | Michael Frontz (Administrator)
    Hello Fellow SAT members,
    If you want to go to Vegas on us, the clock is ticking (see below)! The deadline for abstract submission is approaching quickly.
    The joint SAT/CAT Fall 2013 meeting will be held Sept. 20-21st at the Tuscany Suites Hotel in Las Vegas (Rate: $45 Sun-Thur., $95 Fri/Sat) . And in case you missed our first email blast, our morning program will focus on THC/Drug Per se Laws in light of recent legislation and will offer Marilyn Huestis as our key note speaker. The afternoon program will focus on Pediatric Toxicology and we'll finish out with whatever other interesting topics and cases you might have.
    But here's the catch, due to CAT CE credit requirements, our speaker/abstract submissions must be submitted early. The SAT Scientific Program Committee has established July 19th as the abstract submission due date. Abstract submission requirements must include the following:
    1) A short Bio/CV, 2) Learning Objectives, i.e., "The attendee will learn the advantages/disadvantages of derivatizing...." (to be filled out on the Disclosure Form) and 3) a signed Speaker Disclosure form (see attached file).
    Here's the cool part: SAT is making travel grants available to presenters in the amount of $500 to assist with travel/hotel arrangements and awardees may be supervisory or non-supervisory. In order to be considered for a travel grant, the above items must be submitted by the deadline so get your abstracts in! Please submit materials to Phil Kemp at Philip.Kemp@faa.govIt is crucial we get these items in time for the BOD to consider. So don't be left out in October on the inside joke about your boss. Be part of it!
    Let's see y'all in Vegas!
  • Mon, May 13, 2013 1:17 PM | Michael Frontz (Administrator)
    The Hilton Hotel has reduced the valet parking fee for the Fort Worth SAT
    meeting to $7 per day (instead of $13). However, if you prefer to not have your
    car valet parked at the lowered rate, there are a few parking meters in the
    immediate area, as well as parking garages that are three to four blocks away. 
    If you have any questions, please let us know. We look forward to seeing you all
    next week.
  • Mon, April 01, 2013 12:00 PM | Michael Frontz (Administrator)
    The Southwestern Association of Toxicologists in conjunction with the Tarrant
    County Medical Examiner's Office would like to remind you about our 2013 Spring
    meeting to be held May 16th-18th at the Hilton Fort Worth in downtown Fort
    Worth, TX. Rooms are $129 a night with complimentary internet. Valet parking
    will be $13/day. The hotel reservation link can be found at www.SAT-TOX.org
    under the meetings tab.

    The registration form for the meeting can also be found at www.SAT-TOX.org under
    the meetings tab. Please register for the meeting and make hotel reservations
    prior to April 29, 2013 to avoid late fees.

    We are currently accepting abstracts for presentation. Please submit all
    abstracts through the SAT website. The SAT meeting grant can also be applied for
    through the website. The grant will cover some travel and registration costs for
    those presenters who are selected.
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