Hello Fellow SAT members,
If you want to go to Vegas on us, the clock is ticking (see below)! The deadline for abstract submission is approaching quickly.
The joint SAT/CAT Fall 2013 meeting will be held Sept. 20-21st at the Tuscany Suites Hotel in Las Vegas (Rate: $45 Sun-Thur., $95 Fri/Sat) . And in case you missed our first email blast, our morning program will focus on THC/Drug Per se Laws in light of recent legislation and will offer Marilyn Huestis as our key note speaker. The afternoon program will focus on Pediatric Toxicology and we'll finish out with whatever other interesting topics and cases you might have.
But here's the catch, due to CAT CE credit requirements, our speaker/abstract submissions must be submitted early. The SAT Scientific Program Committee has established July 19th as the abstract submission due date. Abstract submission requirements must include the following:
1) A short Bio/CV, 2) Learning Objectives, i.e., "The attendee will learn the advantages/disadvantages of derivatizing...." (to be filled out on the Disclosure Form) and 3) a signed Speaker Disclosure form (see attached file).
Here's the cool part: SAT is making travel grants available to presenters in the amount of $500 to assist with travel/hotel arrangements and awardees may be supervisory or non-supervisory. In order to be considered for a travel grant, the above items must be submitted by the deadline so get your abstracts in! Please submit materials to Phil Kemp at Philip.Kemp@faa.gov. It is crucial we get these items in time for the BOD to consider. So don't be left out in October on the inside joke about your boss. Be part of it!
Let's see y'all in Vegas!